Be Strong. Take Heart.

Good Things

In such a time of uncertainty and just plain tough things to deal with, I thought that I would insert more of my coping mechanism, humor.  Sometimes humor can be funny right off the bat.  Sometimes humor can be offensive or considered sacreligious.  I tend to look at the heart of the person delivering the joke or the overall source of where it is coming from. So, needless to say, I find humor in some irreverant places and some places that those with no leeway, no open-mindedness or just a good sense of humor are offended when they should be entertained or their spirits should be lifted.
I tell you this because there are some tough things in life to deal with.  This next week I am really digging in and trying to find out more of what is going on with this disease.  I am usually a diligent researcher and I can find out things that help the doctors in my treatment or in me giving correct feedback to the doctors for treatment. Through research, I find out things that things that are going on with me have specific names and specific correlations that make the idea lights go on for the doctors. I have had some stark revelations in the past few days that I am anxious to share, but also hope that I am completely wrong.  The research results are grim, very grim.  But my outlook is still strong, no matter what, I will fight and keep hope alive.
I was reading about my friend Rick Sargent's friend Mike Sweeney and his final days fighting stage IV Metastic Melanoma.  People have been praying for miracles, fasting and doing everything they know to do so that a miracle might appear.  It doesn't look good at this moment for Sweeney.  But what a wonderful legacy he leaves behind him with an impact on this earth that is very uncommon for someone at such a young age.  There is no humor appropriate for this situation but in times like this music is very soothing to me.  I think of songs like Psalm 103 (Good Things) by our good friend Mandy Mann.  Her voice is as close to angelic as they come.  Seriously, she could sing the song book and melt your ears.  I also think of her song Home that really moves my spirit.
I won't write too much more tonight.  I am still suffering severe carpal tunnel syndrome that is from Behcet's attacking more areas.  The good thing that is coming out of something so painful is that it gives us a major clue into something else that is going on.  Like I said before, I believe big things are going to start this next week.  We still need your support in every area of life.  I told my friends Scot and Mark both the other day that we really need someone or a group of people with wealth to intercede and give us 1-2 years of not having to worry about expenses.  Nothing extravagant, but taking that stress away would allow us to focus fervently on healing and fostering the message that we feel needs to be told from all of this.  There are very hard things that we have to face, but there are good things that will come out above all of this in the end.
(Link from photo above by
Andy BarwickComment